This resource represents a company in your workspace.

Note that some companies are placeholder companies, where the name = "" and isPlaceholder = true. Placeholder companies are automatically created when a client is created without an association to a "named" company.

If a client is created under a named company and later un-assigned from that company, a new placeholder company will be created and the companyId will be a new ID.


id string
The unique identifier for this item.

createdAt string
The date this item was created in RFC3339 format.

object string
The object type of this resource.

name string
The company's name.

isPlaceholder bool
Designates if the company is a placeholder (see note above).

iconImageUrl string
A link to the company's icon image.

fallbackColor string
Background color for company avatar when no icon image is present.

    "id": "b3be03e0-4e92-4483-997e-f6c351bfbd34",
    "object": "company",
    "createdAt": "2024-02-14T22:41:58.09460254Z",
    "name": "Rocket Rides",
    "fallbackColor": "#7CAE7A",
    "iconImageUrl": "",
    "isPlaceholder": false