This resource represents a relationship between a Client and a Form.

A Form Response can either be pending (when you explicitly share a form with a Client for them to complete it), or completed (when a Client submits their response to the Form).

Based on the allowMultipleSubmissions setting on the Form, a Client can respond to the same Form multiple times. In that scenario, there will be multiple Form Response entities for the same Form <> Client pair.


Note that this entity stores all the Form Questions (as well as the client’s answers, once submitted) in the formFields map, which is keyed by the ID of each question (stored in order in the formFieldIDs array).

For a submitted form response, the details of the form questions (title, description, etc) represent the state of the form when the client submitted the form. If the form questions are updated after the client submitted the form, the content of those questions will be updated in the Forms resource, but not in this Form Response resource.

id string
The unique identifier for this item.

createdAt string
The date this item was created in RFC3339 format.

object string
The object type of this resource.

formId string
The ID of the associated Form.

clientId string 
The ID of the Client that submitted the form (or was assigned the form).

formName string
Name (Title) of the associated Form.

formDescription string (optional)
Description of the associated Form.

status string
Whether this form response has been submitted. Options are pending, or completed. When a response has been requested it will first show as pending. When a client answers all inputs in the form and submits it, it will update to completed.

formFieldIds array(string)
Array of IDs, each corresponding to a field (question or title card) in the form, in the order that they are arranged in the form.

formFields map[formFieldId](FormField)
Stores the content of each question and the client’s answers.

  • title string 
    The title of the question.
  • description string (optional)
    The description of the question.
  • type string
    Describes the type of this question. Options are: shortAnswer, longAnswer, multiSelect, singleSelect, title, fileUpload.
  • multipleChoiceOptions array(string) (optional)
    All the possible option values the user can select for this question. Only present on singleSelect and multiSelect questions.
  • isRequired boolean
    Whether the client is required to answer this question.
  • answer string | array(string)
    The value of the response given by the client, or the selected options if the question is of type multiSelect. For fileUpload questions, the answer value contains the file name.
  • attachmentUrls array(string)
    For fileUpload type questions, provides a list of download links to each item in answer. The links expire after 15 minutes.

submissionDate string (optional)
When the form response was submitted.

allowMultipleSubmissions boolean
Whether clients can submit this form multiple times.

visibility string
Whether this form is visible to all clients by default, or only clients that the form is directly shared with. Options are: allClients, requestedClients


Deprecation note

We are deprecating the nested fields object and have promoted all of the properties previously contained within the fields object to top-level properties. For backwards compatibility, you may still see the nested fields object in responses and examples.

  "allowMultipleSubmissions": false,
  "clientId": "d964f994-acb1-4859-81e5-c91c73b6ab12",
  "createdAt": "2024-02-12T23:26:30.97733477Z",
  "formDescription": "",
  "formFieldIds": [
  "formFields": {
    "09c8dc93-4532-4995-831e-4bdf1c2e437b": {
      "title": "Select your color scheme:",
      "description": "Color scheme description",
      "type": "multiSelect",
      "multipleChoiceOptions": [
      "isRequired": false,
      "answer": [
    "2b7e3a5a-f335-430a-a8e9-8259c9f971d1": {
      "title": "Which industry are you in?",
      "description": "Industry description",
      "type": "singleSelect",
      "multipleChoiceOptions": [
        "Social Media"
      "isRequired": false,
      "answer": [
        "Social Media"
    "425fa7b8-4446-4864-8542-d9a1bdd61991": {
      "title": "Assets Section",
      "description": "Describe and upload your brand assets.",
      "type": "title",
      "isRequired": false
    "47741982-6b81-4041-8063-d8f825259318": {
      "title": "What is your name?",
      "description": "Full name",
      "type": "shortAnswer",
      "isRequired": false,
      "answer": "Sample Client"
    "7399360f-39f3-415f-af53-e223476b58eb": {
      "title": "Upload your logo(s) here:",
      "description": "File upload description",
      "type": "fileUpload",
      "isRequired": false,
      "answer": [
      "attachmentUrls": [
    "a9da9a50-4196-4bc6-b6a3-345f33add0ef": {
      "title": "Describe your brand",
      "description": "Brand description",
      "type": "longAnswer",
      "isRequired": false,
      "answer": "A modern approach for social media posts and engagement."
  "formId": "28e7db81-35b0-4284-96f3-ae097dfdbdd2",
  "formName": "Sample Form All Question Types",
  "id": "zmQJbbhSR",
  "object": "formResponse",
  "status": "completed",
  "submissionDate": "2024-02-12T23:28:00.776964202Z",
  "visibility": "requestedClients"