A workspace includes both the Copilot Dashboard (for internal users) and portal (for clients). A new workspace can be created on copilot.com/signup.


id string
The ID of this workspace.

industry string
The industry associated with the workspace. This value is initially selected during workspace creation (i.e. onboarding on copilot.com/signup).

isCompaniesEnabled boolean
Reflects if the company feature is enabled for the workspace.

isClientDirectSignUpEnabled boolean
Reflects if clients have the ability to sign up directly to the portal.

logOutUrl string
The destination where a client user is directed when they log out of the portal.

brandName string
The brand name of the business.

squareIconUrl string
The icon used on the portal's navigation bar and favicon.

fullLogoUrl string
The image used at the top of the portal's login page, and on invoices.

squareLoginImageUrl string
The large image used on the right side of the portal's login page.

socialSharingImageUrl string
The image used when a link to the portal is shared.

colorSidebarBackground string
The color used for the sidebar navigation in the portal.

colorSidebarText string
The color used for the sidebar text in the portal.

colorAccent string
The color accent used for buttons, tags, and other UI elements in the portal.

font string
The font used in the portal.

metaTitle string
The metadata title surfaced in search engine results, link previews, and browser tab names.

metaDescription string
The metadata description surfaced in search engine results, link previews, and browser tab names.

portalUrl string
The URL at which the client portal is located.

    "id": "us-east-1_Gz7TRlAaM",
    "industry": "finance",
    "isCompaniesEnabled": true,
    "isClientDirectSignUpEnabled": true,
    "logOutUrl": "https://portal.copilotcustomdomaintesting.online",
    "brandName": "Feature Testing",
    "squareIconUrl": "https://logo.clearbit.com/copilot.com",
    "fullLogoUrl": "https://logo.clearbit.com/copilot.com",
    "squareLoginImageUrl": "https://dopg8hpnitzl9.cloudfront.net/copilot/images/auth_image.png",
    "socialSharingImageUrl": "https://dopg8hpnitzl9.cloudfront.net/copilot/images/auth_image.png",
    "colorSidebarBackground": "#000000",
    "colorSidebarText": "#ffffff",
    "colorAccent": "#72788D",
    "font": "Inter",
    "metaTitle": "Feature Testing",
    "metaDescription": "",
    "portalUrl": "portal.copilotcustomdomaintesting.online"