This page lists the different event types which will send an event object to your registered webhook endpoints:

Event TypeDescriptionResource
client.createdClient is createdClients
client.activatedClient authenticates in the portal for the first timeClients
client.updated*Any properties for a client are modifiedClients
client.deletedClient is put into an irreversible, deleted stateClients
company.createdCompany is createdCompanies
company.updatedAny properties for a company are modifiedCompanies
company.deletedCompany is put into an irreversible, deleted stateCompanies
contract.requestedContract has been assigned to a client by an internal userContracts
contract.signedContract has been signed by a clientContracts
file.createdA new file has been uploaded to a file channelFiles
file.updatedA file has been renamed or moved within a file channel.Files
file.deletedA file has been deleted within a file channel.Files
folder.createdA new folder has been created in a file channelFiles
link.createdA new link has been created in a file channelFiles
folder.updatedA folder has been renamed or moved within a file channel.Files
folder.deletedA folder has been deleted within a file channel.Files
invoice.paidAn invoice has been paidInvoices
link.updatedA link has been renamed or moved within a file channel.Files
link.deletedA link has been deleted within a file channel.Files
formResponse.completedForm response has been submitted by a clientForm Responses
message.sentMessage has been sent (by a client or internal user)Messages
messageChannel.createdA message channel has been created in the workspaceMessage Channels
messageChannel.deletedA message channel has been deleted in the workspaceMessage Channels
notification.createdNotification has been sent to a client or internal userNotifications

*See Webhooks > Overview for more details.